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If You Don't Know Beans about Beans...

beansHow many different types of beans can you name?  Maybe 8 - 10?  Well, you missed a few. Wikipedia says, "The world's gene banks hold about 40,000 bean varieties, although only a fraction are mass-produced for regular consumption."  Why are the others being ignored? Food process engineer Dr. Timothy Bowser explains that mass-produced beans generally come from a few cultivated varieties that have special qualities which have been proven over the years to work well for growers, processors, and consumers.

Clever Inventions That Can Change Eating Habits

self heating mealImagine this: 1) a fork that tells you how fast you're eating and when to slow down; 2) meals that are packaged with a self-heating element. These innovations are not impossible or even futuristic. The first one is about to go on the market any day, and the second has been available for about 10 years. You may wonder how they work, how much they cost, and who would want them. Let's find out.

Food Definitions: Umami, Locavore, Fruit, Heirloom, and Artisan

umamiWords fairly recently added to English (such as "locavore"), words originating in other languages (such as "umami"), and familiar words used in obscure ways (such as "heirloom")--all these may need defining to eliminate confusion. 


A definition may also help folks tell a fruit from a vegetable.  The problem here is that what's considered a fruit by the average person is somewhat different from the scientist's classification.   We've consulted various expert sources to find authoritative definitions and help your food vocabulary become larger and more accurate.

What This Site Is All About and How to Navigate It

Shopping bagWELCOME TO ShelfLifeAdvice.com!  This site is loaded with information about the shelf life of hundreds of edible products, unopened and opened.  In addition, you’ll find Tips and FAQs galore on a host of topics related to food, all containing reliable advice from our Advisory Board of food scientists and many other experts. 


Use the search feature to find what interests you, or check out the indexes to find everything that’s on this huge site.  To reach the indexes, click on “Products,” “FAQs,” or “Tips,” either at the top of the home page or at the bottom.

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