Recent Recalls: Salmonella Threatens 100s of Products

Deli Meat SandwichSalmonella in Daniele International’s  Italian-style deli meats has caused 252 cases of food-borne illness in 44 states and the District of Columbia. The CDC has traced the cause of illness to the red and black pepper used in manufacturing the meats.  For a list of specific products recalled by Daniele International, Inc., by February 18, 2010, click here.

For more information about recent recalls of deli meat products, click on these URLs:  

Watkins, Inc. of Winona, MN has recalled its Crab Snack and Dip Seasoning also because of the potential of being contaminated with salmonella.  

If you have a recalled product in your refrigerator, here’s what the CDC advises you to do: return it to the store you purchased it at or dispose of it in a sealed plastic bag in a sealed trash can to prevent people or animals from consuming it.  Do not open it to smell or taste it.  It may smell or taste fine and still be contaminated with pathogens that can cause serious illness.  

The symptoms of illness from salmonella generally include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps that begin 12-72 hours after being infected.  The illness usually lasts 4-7 days. Most people recover without a doctor’s care.  However, infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems may become seriously ill and require medical treatment and antibiotics. 

Questions? Contact the manufacturer or the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline, 1-888-MP Hotline (1-888-674-6854). 

Reminder:  the recalls concerning HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein, a flavor enhancer) are ongoing.  Check your packaged products for this ingredient and, if it is in any food in your fridge or cabinet, contact the manufacturer to see if it has been recalled.  For more about HVP, read the write-up on by putting HVP into Search or clicking on the last link listed below. 

To find out whether there has been a recall of a product you have at home that has HVP as one of the ingredients, go to the following website:  


CDC  “Investigation Update: Multistate Outbreak of Human Infections”

USDA “Product List for Recall 006-2010 and Expansions 

FDA “Red & Black Pepper Spice Recalls Linked to the Salmonella Montevideo Outbreak” Investigation (Updated March 29, 2010)  “FDA Announces a Recall of Foods with Tainted HVP—Will it be the biggest food recall in history?


CDC  “Investigation Update: Multistate Outbreak of Human Infections”

USDA “Product List for Recall 006-2010 and Expansions  “FDA Announces a Recall of Foods with Tainted HVP—Will it be the biggest food recall in history?”


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