What This Site Is All About and How to Navigate It

Shopping bagWELCOME TO ShelfLifeAdvice.com!  This site is loaded with information about the shelf life of hundreds of edible products, unopened and opened.  In addition, you’ll find Tips and FAQs galore on a host of topics related to food, all containing reliable advice from our Advisory Board of food scientists and many other experts. 


Use the search feature to find what interests you, or check out the indexes to find everything that’s on this huge site.  To reach the indexes, click on “Products,” “FAQs,” or “Tips,” either at the top of the home page or at the bottom.


Click Here to download a chart that you can print out and post to your refrigerator as a quick reference.  It lists expiration information and storage tips on the most popular food products.


Click Here to download and print a Temperature Safety Guide, which lists the minimum recommended temperatures for foods that should be checked with a thermometer.



Here are just a few examples of Shelf Life Advice Q/As and FAQs:



Can chicken soup really cure a cold?


Must I banish sponges from my kitchen to avoid contamination?


Should hot food go into the fridge?


How can I tell if shellfish is fully cooked?


Does flavored milk have a longer shelf life than regular milk?


What produce needs to be wrapped before refrigerating?


Supermarket Bargains--You Can Find Them 



ShelfLifeAdvice.com is a super reference for anyone who buys and prepares food.  We hope you’ll invite us into your home often. 


To learn more about this site, click on “About Us” on the bottom of this page. 




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