What’s the FDA Going to Say About Four Loko?

CanIt hasn’t happened yet, but, nevertheless, it’s making state and national news. After more than a year’s scrutiny of the matter, the FDA is expected to act on the legality and safety of those alcoholic, caffeinated energy drinks that caused several college students to become ill recently.


Meanwhile, at the state level, four states have banned the products other states and municipalities are considering doing so. According to celebritycafe.com, New York’s largest beer distributors have just agreed to stop the delivery of caffeinated alcoholic beverages to retailers by December 10.


Four Loko, the most popular of the these drinks, has a 12% alcohol content and as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Doctors have said that the caffeine tends to mask the effects of the alcohol, so imbibers don’t  realize how intoxicated they are, and, therefore, they may engage in risky behavior. Some say it doesn’t taste very good. So why have college kids taken to it?  Simple reason: it’s a cheap way to get drunk. 


In November, 2009, the FDA notified nearly 30 manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic drinks that it intended to look into the safety and legality of their products. At that time, the FDA reported that the use of these products among college students was estimated at about 26%. Under federal law, a substance intentionally added to food (such as caffeine to an alcoholic beverage) is deemed both unsafe and illegal unless its use had received prior approval.  


Now, a year later, the news media eagerly wait to learn what the FDA decided and what action it will take. We’ll let you know the outcome. 



FDA News Release  “FDA to Look into Safety of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages”


Thecelebritycafe.com  “FDA Expected to Take a Stand on Alcoholic Energy Drinks”




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