Food Safety

“Myth-information” about Food Safety: You’d Better Not Believe It

Food PyramidOne dictionary definition of a myth is a widely held belief that has not been proved.  However, as used today, the word usually refers to an idea that’s widespread but wrong. When the myth is about safe ways to handle food, it can also be unsafe.  The following myths were excerpted from an article created by Alaska’s Food Safety and Sanitation Program. The explanations debunking these myths can eradicate misconceptions you may have and help you operate your kitchen based upon scientific facts rather than fiction.

Certain Foods Making You Sick? You May Have Food Allergies!

Man with Food AllergiesFood allergies may be merely annoying, or they may be life-threatening. About 30,000 Americans rush to emergency rooms every year to receive treatment for serious allergic reactions to foods.  For about 150-200 people, these reactions are fatal. People with food allergies must be careful about what they eat. They also worry about “hidden” allergens that might sneak into their food.

After The Storm: What You Can Save and What You Must Throw Out



After a power outage, the big food-related question is this: "What perishable foods must be discarded because of possible contamination, and what's safe to keep?"  Here are some guidelines:


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