What’s Wrong with Those Girl Scout Cookies?

girl scoutIronically, foods that develop a bad taste or smell are not usually harmful; on the other hand, contaminated foods that can cause illness usually look, smell, and taste fine. So it goes with the Girl Scouts’ Lemon Chalet Cremes, the only type of Girl Scout cookies that elicited complaints recently. What were the complaints? Those cookies with the appealing name tasted and smelled bad.

On Friday, February 26, Little Brownie Bakers of Louisville, Kentucky (one of two bakeries that make Girl Scout cookies) posted a statement about these complaints on its website. Testing revealed that the cookies in question are actually safe (although unpleasant) to eat. The company attributes the foul odor and taste to an improper breakdown of oils.

About 636,000 boxes of the Lemon Chalet Cremes were distributed in 24 states and the District of Columbia. The company says it will provide replacements although there is no FDA recall on this product because the cookies are not a health hazard. If you have a box of Lemon Chalet Cremes and want to exchange them, call the national office of the Girl Scout. A recorded message will direct you to Little Brownie Bakers.


Cnewsoxy “Girl Scout Cookie Recall on Chalet Creme”

CNNU.U.S. “Smelly Girl Scout cookies OK to eat”

Why are people buying lemon girl scout cookies when they could be buying thin mints?

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