Is there any health risk from eating store-bought sour cream dips?

Very little. Although dairy products can harbor the pathogens E. coli, salmonella, and Listeria monoctyogenes, the FDA mandates that sour cream and sour cream-based products be pasteurized during processing in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria.   However, sour cream dips  are subject to spoilage and mold growth as a result of improper storage or proper storage over an extended period of time. Fortunately, proper storage and handling of sour cream dips eliminate most risk of illness.
Source(s): "Sour Cream" "Got Milk? Make Sure It's Pasteurized"

I have a similar discussion with one of my friends from a suboxone treatment center the other days. I guess that any type of food can prove to be dangerous is not handled properly or if not stored as it should be. Hope you understand my point of view.


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