Shelf Life Advice in the News!

Shelf Life Advice in the NewsShould consumers obey expiration dates and discard food that’s past its “use-by” date? Three journalists recently took up this burning question, answering it with more than a touch of humor. Two of them (writing for the NY Times and the Boston Globe)  interviewed your Shelf Life guru and quoted her.  The third (writing for TIME quoted extensively from this site. All three pieces are fun to read, and the advice therein can also save you some money if you adhere to their message—“use by” dates do NOT mean the product has just turned poisonous and must become trash.


A fourth newspaper article, published in the Chicago Tribune last fall,  also deals with the food expiration query, but it focuses almost exclusively on a complimentary description of Shelf Life Advice. I sure didn’t mind that!


Here are the four newspaper articles that have put Shelf Life Advice in the news: (4/13/11): “The Joy and Wisdom of Eating Food Past the Expiration Date”


Boston Globe (4/13/11):  “When bad things happen to food” by Beth Teitell


the New York Times (3/6/11): “Take Back the Trash” by Bruce Feiler


the Chicago Tribune (10/13/10) “Safe to eat? Or not? Site aims to help consumers” by Renee Enna



For  this website’s discussions on how long it’s safe to keep  expired food, check out the following links:




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