Shelf Life Advice Board Member Honored for Contributions to Food Science

Shelf Life Advice is thrilled to report that one of the scientists serving on  our Advisory Board--Dr. Catherine Cutter-- recently received an award for the  multiple facets of her distinguished career as a teacher, workshop leader, and researcher.


Professor Cutter, who  holds a Ph.D. in food science and is a professor in Penn State University's  Department of Food Science, was presented a plaque  commemorating her selection as a Fellow by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) at its three-day annual meeting held this year (July 16-19) at Chicago's convention center,  McCormick Place.  Cutter is the assistant director of Food Safety and Quality as well as a food safety extension specialist and chair of the Food Safety Impact group at Penn State.  Her areas of specialization include food microbiology, foodborne pathogens, antimicrobials, spoilage, sanitation, and meat, poultry and seafoods.


The IFT awards program included the following description of  her accomplishments: "Her contributions to food science include the development of educational materials and extension programs that will be used by food industry professionals to improve the overall safety of the food supply, both nationally and internationally. Cutter has led innovative activities focused on understanding and mitigating food safety issues resulting from the sale of products through farmers' markets.  In addition, her applied and practical research program has helped many small meat processing establishments  across the United States comply with USDA food safety regulations."


From its worldwide membership of some  17,000 scientists, academics, government employees, and businesses, IFT named 12 as 2016 IFT Fellows. Other awards were also presented at this opening main event of the IFT annual meeting. The audience just about filled the entire grand ballroom of McCormick Place south.


The IFT designation as a Fellow was not the first award of Cutter's career. In 2011, she received the Distinguished Extension-Industry Service Award from the American Meat Science Association (AMSA), and in January of this year she was the recipient of the Nesbitt Faculty Development Award in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.


In addition to a career that could keep one occupied 26 hours a day, Cathy and her husband have also raised 2 children, another very successful endeavor.  Ben Franklin's suggestion--"If you want something done, ask a busy person"-- came to mind when  I thought about Cathy Cutter.  Since 2010, Cathy has served on the Shelf Life Advice Advisory Board with great dedication.  Every month, I send her a list of questions about articles I plan to write.  Then, we discuss these on the phone, sometimes for as long as an hour.  Periodically, she also sends me emails with ideas for  additional topics to consider, links to general and scholarly articles on topics I've expressed an interest in, and contact information so I can consult other scientists when necessary. Her responses to my emailed requests usually reach me within 5 minutes. Her only recompense for her involvement with my website is the knowledge that she's helping the site spread the word about food safety and new research and developments in the food industry.  I feel sure that the many  Cutter quotes and paraphrases throughout my website have helped boost the readership of  Shelf Life Advice, which, in 2015, reached 1.5 million. Cathy,  I have no plaque to  present, just my heartfelt thanks to you for so generously sharing your time and knowledge, and congratulations for the well-deserved awards you've received.


Source(s):  Institute of Food Technologists" "IFT16" "Stream of Consciousness: Benjamin Franklin" "Food scientist Cutter receives Nesbitt Faculty Development Award"  "Cutter recipient of 2011 American Meat Science Association (AMSA) Distinguished Service Extension Service Award"


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