FAQs on Food Safety

FAQs about Soft Cheeses--What's Safe, What Isn't

goat cheeseSoft cheeses are great, right?  The taste and texture are irresistible, the protein and calcium are healthful, and the cheeses are easy to smear on a cracker and pop into our mouths--over and over.  But soft cheese is also riskier, so it must be selected and handled carefully.   The FAQs that follow explain the dangers and offer tips on proper care.

Sushi: Why Such a Short Shelf Life?

SushiPackaged sushi on sale at the supermarket commonly has a "sell-by" date of the following day or even the same day.  How long can you keep it?  It sometimes scares me by starting to turn brown by the day after purchase.  So I asked the scientists on our site's Advisory Board to discuss the hasty spoilage and possible dangers that might be associated with one of my favorite ethnic foods. 

More FAQs about Minimum Safe Cooking Temperatures: Pork and Other Perishables

food thermometerIf you've ever purchased a food thermometer (and I certainly hope you have), you probably found it packaged with a list of minimum safe temperatures for cooking different types of perishable foods.  For meat and fish, it's 145°F; for eggs, it's 160°F; for poultry, it's 165°F; and so on. Shelf Life Advice has also told you that leftovers should be heated to165°F. Perhaps you've been wondering why there's so much variation in recommended safe cooking temperatures. The following Q/As delve into the reasons.

"Is It Safe To….?" FAQs Answered by our Advisory Board

lemon in drinkFive FAQS from the Shelf Life Advice users are answered below by the scientists serving on our Advisory Board:



Q: Is it safe to have a restaurant put a slice of lemon or lime in your beverage? Is there a risk of contamination from the fruit?


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