What are some advantages and disadvantages of aluminum foil?

“Aluminum foil is one of the best barrier films available,” says food process engineer Timothy Bowser. “It is impervious to light, moisture, gases, bacteria, and odors.  There is a problem though—aluminum is easy to tear and poke holes in.  That’s why many commercial food packages include an aluminum layer sandwiched between plastic layers (e.g. juice boxes and chip bags).  The plastic protects the aluminum, allowing it to retain its excellent barrier properties.”


Of course, for cooking, lining pans and covering food, aluminum foil is fine. Heavy-duty aluminum foil is recommended for packages that are going to be opened and closed frequently (for example, for campfire cooking).




Timothy J. Bowser, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, Dept. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering


Should the shiny side of side of aluminum foil face out or toward the food?


Relax.  You haven’t been doing it wrong no matter which way you’ve been using it.  According to the Reynolds website, it doesn’t matter. The foil has a dull and a shiny side just because of the way the product is manufactured.  The side coming in contact with the mill’s highly polished steel rollers becomes shiny, and the other side comes out with a matte finish.




The New Face of Reynolds Wrap Foil “Frequently Asked Questions”




The New Face of Reynolds Wrap Foil “Frequently Asked Questions”



General Guidelines for Wrapping Foods


What’s better for wrapping food—plastic or aluminum foil?

What produce needs to be wrapped before refrigerating?

Should I wrap raw vegetables loosely or tightly before refrigerating?

How should fruits be wrapped before refrigeration?

Can I refrigerate meat and poultry in its store wrapping?

How should food be handled and wrapped for freezing?


Using Plastic Wraps, Bags, and Containers


Are some plastic wraps more effective than others?

Can chemicals leach unto food from plastic wrap or containers?

Are any plastic wraps or containers really “microwave safe”?

Can I use plastic freezer bags to store produce in the fridge?

Do coated plastic bags really help produce last longer?


Using Aluminum Foil Properly

Does exposure to aluminum cause Alzheimer’s disease?

Does aluminum foil give foods a metallic taste?

Why does foil sometimes darken, discolor, and leave black specks on food?

Will a foil cover help keep foods on the table hot or cold?

Is it safe to use aluminum foil in a microwave oven?



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